Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Word Cloud Website Basics

The latest buzz in the internet marketing world is �Word Cloud�. Conceptually word cloud is a link building process into which all and sundry webmasters are clamoring to enter. However, since most of the Word Cloud websites are in their infancy, they are hosted on zero ranked pages as of now. The webmasters who are using this technique for low cost back links to increase page ranking and subsequently sales are disappointed with the results Word Cloud concept has produced until now. Word Cloud concept has risen from the genius of Joel Comm with his 500words.com website.

As a successor of the pixel ad website craze, word cloud is yet to live up to its hype. It is expected that the websites incorporating the word cloud concept will raise in due time and ring in results.Pixel ads concept originated from MillionDollarHomepage.com, and has been a huge success with pixel selling and subsequently back linking to relevant websites. A million other websites followed suit, but the disadvantage with this concept was that the sites used only graphics for back-linking. Although it has been successful, back linking was not very successful because, search engines are unable to link to graphics that do not have a keyword rich and descriptive anchor tag. Many word cloud sites offer text links, with the text in your choice of color, font and size, resulting in good visibility and thus better optimization. In comparison, a word cloud website can do more, since it is text based and can provide relevant text links to webmasters. This method is many a time more effective than pixel ad sites since search engines can find the links and assign better ranking. With brand new domain names being used for word cloud websites, it would be some time before a page ranking is achieved, greatly benefiting the webmasters.

Hosting a word cloud website is hosted on an existing domain carrying a good page rank enhances the value of the text links dramatically. This results in better page ranking, indexing, more targeted higher traffic for the customers. The word cloud page thus becomes more favored for search engine robots.

If the customers of a word cloud website are offered more than one relevant keyword to choose from, the results multiply exponentially due to better description of the website.

Word Cloud websites are still in their infancy and thus the pricing is also very affordable. When they come of age by having a good page rank and better listings, the prices would go through the roof. Booking your keywords now would keep many webmasters in good stead by saving on the price.

Currently, lesser established word cloud sites are offering a price of $50 for a period of 2 years, working out to about $2 per month. In comparison most other websites that offer standard text links sell for $10 to $50 a month.

When you own a word on keywordowner.com, it means that your word of choice belongs to you and you alone! A keyword advertising provides you with a direct hyperlink to your web site. Remember

online advertising works!

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