Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Earth's Answers - B Vitamins by Dr. Bryce Hunter

B-vitamins are necessary for everything from heart health to carbohydrate, protein, and fat metabolism Subclinical deficiencies in these B-vitamins are thought to be relatively common among the world's population and in particular among the elderly. B-vitamins are water-soluble which means that the body purges it through sweat, urine and natural waste.

For those who are moderate to highly active, a marginal deficiency in the B vitamins may affect the ability of the body to repair itself and to operate, at an efficient level, to fight disease.

Let me tell you a story about a friend of mine; let's call her Jill. Jill was new patient in my office, but was certainly not new to the world of health care. In fact, she had previously been to a number of doctors with the hope that she could find some answers to her health concerns. Her main symptoms were; no energy, upset stomach, and bouts of depression and anxiety. She said that she had always had problems concentrating. One of her children also had symptoms common to ADD. At this point, you would probably suspect some lab tests of some sort, but they had already been done and yielded no conclusive answers.

After having her fill out a food log of the foods she daily consumed, it became very apparent that she was suffering from a B-vitamin deficiency. These B-vitamin deficiencies had apparently gone on for many years. She decided to free herself of the drugs that were merely covering up the symptoms and instead rid herself of the deficiency that had existed for most of her life. The results were astonishing!

Without B-vitamins, your everyday health will become a challenge. I recommend that you so stay away from as much processed food as possible. Work to improve your diet using a well balanced variety of natural foods. Finally with some simple daily natural supplements, and regular exercise you can regain and maintain your health. So best of luck and for more free information and a free health screening go to Earth's Answers.


Host of the acclaimed radio show "The Heath Revolution"

Logan College of Chiropractic, St. Louis, MO

BS: Human Biology, Logan College of Chiropractic, St. Louis, MO

BS: Heath and Human Performance, Brigham Young University

Postgraduate Training (selected) Digestive Heath Specialist, The Loomis Institute of Enzyme Nutrition: Integrating N8utrition into the Practice, The Nutrition Clinic Certified: International College of Applied Kinesiology, Activator Methods, CPR for the for the Heath Professional

Member: American Chiropractic Association Utah Chiropractic Association

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Disasters Change Lives Forever

In the year 2005, natural disasters killed over 25,000 people and caused $57.7 billion in damage worldwide. Besides the obvious, direct impact of natural disasters (such as a tornado destroying a house), there are usually many indirect effects. Although these effects may be less obvious, they are often times more costly and can add years on to the recovery time from a disaster. As people who live in communities that have been devastated by a natural hazard will often say, �there is no such thing as a complete recovery, disasters change people�s lives forever�.

Disaster Mitigation is the first link in the chain of disaster survival. Mitigation is the process of reducing the severity of the impact of natural hazards through planning. Each hazard requires a specific type of mitigation. In some cases, we can use engineering solutions. Earthquake-resistant construction and devices to hold objects in place such as earthquake straps could at least reduce the impact of a natural hazard. In other cases, the only form of mitigation that is guaranteed to be successful is to limit or not allow human activities where the hazard occurs, such as floodplains, volcanoes and high fire risk areas.

But unfortunately, in some cases such as Hurricane Katrina and the Asian Tsunami, the fact that there was little or no planning or mitigation took its toll on human life. These types of disasters have a profound impact on us all. Prediction of natural disasters has improved greatly but more work needs to be done. Protection against manmade disasters must continue in a logical, controlled and decisive manner.

The second link in the chain of disaster survival is personal preparation. Making plans for evacuation, having the correct survival supplies such as water and food that has a five-year shelf life, a flashlight that doesn�t need batteries and a radio to stay connected to the outside world, is essential to us all. It is suggested that each person have at least 72 hours of supplies. Statistically, the citizens of the United States are not prepared. Less then 40% of the population has a plan and even less have supplies. The list of items is overwhelming to some people and just knowing where to start can be a conundrum.

Disasters do come in all forms and change our lives. We have seen it first hand in recent years. Mitigation, preparation and prediction will decrease loss of life and property.

Every one of us must participate in disaster preparation. Some people say �expect the unexpected� but in reality we must anticipate the expected and prepare.

For more information about emergency disaster preparedness or to see a comprehensive list of survival kits to help you get prepared in the event of disaster, visit:

Monday, February 26, 2007

Should Medical Students Consider Disability Insurance?

Last year the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) said that schools should require disability insurance for all medical students and provide access to policies. Medical students are particularly vulnerable to the financial hardships that may result from a disability. Disability insurance protects students from possible fiscal disaster and is also a prudent investment. Purchasing a policy while still in medical school presents tremendous advantages that can save students money after graduation, while protecting their financial future and providing the peace of mind necessary to focus on the demands of a career in medicine.

Most medical students do not generate income while in school, but instead accumulate debt at staggering rates. In 2005, medical school graduates who took out loans started their residencies with an average debt of $100,000, a figure that does not include undergraduate debt. Only the expected future income from a career in medicine makes such exorbitant debt palatable; however, a student that suffers a disability may never realize that income. According to the 1994 Statistical Abstract of the United States, in the course of a year, 1 in 10 people between the ages of 25 and 64 will suffer a disability. When comparing that ratio to the odds of being victim of a house fire (1 in 122); injured in an automobile accident (1 in 160); or even of death (1 in 117), the value and protection offered by disability insurance is clear.

A student who suffers a disability and is unable to complete their education will be saddled with student loan debt and may not be able to work in any field depending on the disability and its severity. Repayment of student loans combined with medical expenses and lack of income due to disability can destroy a financial future. Even a student that is able to continue medical school could face the burden of simultaneously repaying loans and paying tuition.

Aside from the obvious advantages disability insurance offers by minimizing the risk riding behind a medical student�s debt, there are other long-term advantages to purchasing a policy as a student instead of as a physician. A student purchasing a policy will likely get a lower rate than a physician. According to, three factors determine disability insurance rates: age at the time of purchase, occupation, and health status. These factors tend to favor a student. Not only are students younger, but generally the health status of younger people is better than that of older people. Obtaining insurance at a younger age may also protect the policyholder from the difficulties of securing a policy later in life when other health issues may affect insurability.

A disability insurance policy also adapts to meet the changing needs of the insured. A Future Increase Option (FIO) Rider allows the policyholder optional future increases in coverage without providing evidence of medical insurability. The ability to increase coverage regardless of current health status is attractive to any policyholder, but the FIO Rider is also ideal for a student who wants to increase coverage upon graduation and the expectation of significant income. A policy purchased by a student before they take their first class in medical school can be flexible enough to last a career.

The protection, flexibility, and benefits the insured has by purchasing a disability insurance policy as a student are reflected by the stance that medical schools take. Dartmouth Medical School and the University of North Carolina School of Medicine mandate that all students have disability insurance. While in some states it is illegal to require students to have a disability insurance policy, most medical schools at least recommend that all their students have it. In 2006, the University of Washington School of Medicine was ranked by U.S. News and World Report as one of only three schools in the top 10 for both research and primary care. Their office of student affairs and services says it is �advisable� to have disability insurance in light of the cost of education and risks associated with practicing medicine. The school offers its students a plan, but in general, group plans come with limitations and restrictions.

The Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME) is the sole accrediting authority for medical education programs leading to the M.D. degree in the United States. Accreditation standard MS-28 states, �all students must have access to disability insurance.� Simply allowing access to disability insurance�a minimal requirement placed on accredited medical schools�or even recommending it, is not enough to save students from the risks of not protecting their future income. In light of the monetary investment that students make to medical schools, it should be the responsibility of each school to promote and educate its students about the benefits, value, and importance of disability insurance.

Andy Puls is the author of Resident Economics and a freelance writer for Doctor Disability Insurance

Sunday, February 25, 2007

HGH Supplements - Facts and Fiction

Now things start to get fun. It is time to separate fact from fiction and look at some of the products out on the market today. Is it possible to increase HGH levels by taking dietary supplements? Let's find out...

Every web site claims they have a simple supplement that will cause my HGH levels to skyrocket. Do these supplements work?

For the most part - no! I hate to be the one to break the news to you, but most companies in the HGH market are out to make a quick buck with exaggerated claims. Here are some claims you will see on the web and our feeling on their accuracy...

Claim: HGH will give you a 8.8% increase in muscle mass and a 14.4% loss of fat - without dieting or exercise!

This is the old bait and switch. Technically, they are not lying when they quote Dr. Rudman's number. With HGH Injections, Dr. Rudman did see a 8.8% increase in muscle mass and a 14.4% loss of fat. The problem is, they are not selling HGH Injections! These companies do not provide any evidence that their pill, powder or spray will have the same results as HGH Injections. So, they bait you with all the positives of HGH injections and then switch you to their untested supplement.

Claim: Our spray/pill/powder contains real HGH!

This statement is at best a tremendous exaggeration and at worst a complete lie. There are a couple of reasons why companies who claim to have a significant amount of HGH in their products are not being truthful. First, HGH is a prescription drug. If you put significant amounts of HGH in a dietary supplement it is no longer a supplement - it is a drug. As a drug it must meet FDA approval and only sold with prescription. So, the phrase HGH dietary supplement is an oxymoron. If a product has a significant amount of HGH, it is a drug.

If you remember from our HGH definitions page, HGH is a delicate and complex 191 amino acid hormone. This brings up the second problem with the above claim - you can not take HGH orally. So, even if a company wanted to break the law and sell HGH as a pill/spray or powder - it would not work because the HGH would break down before it ever reaches the bloodstream.

Finally, you have a financial problem with the above claim. Give Eli Lilly a call and see how much 200 micrograms (the amount a 40 year old secretes each day) of recombinant GH cost. You will quickly find out that the math just doesn't work. How can they sell a 1 month supply for $100 when the raw material would cost over $1,000 a month?

There is a case when the above claim can be true - but very exaggerated. The FDA has determined that if there is less than 2001 nanograms (ng) of the HGH drug present in a supplement - it is NOT considered a drug. The theory is that in such small trace amounts, the drug has no impact so it is not classified as a drug. Let's look at what a nanogram is...

1,000 nanograms (ng) = 1 microgram (�g)

1,000,000 micrograms = 1 gram

So, even a product that had the highest legal amount of HGH would only have 2 micrograms. Dr. Rudman gave his patients 49,500 microgram - three times a week! What this means is that technically and legally you could make the claim that your product contains real HGH. The problem is, that claim is pure marketing hype. It is not a significant source of HGH.

We defined homeopathic medicine back on the definitions page. As you recall, the homeopathic approach works by using miniscule amounts of a substance. So, some homeopathic HGH remedies could contain up to 2000 ng of real HGH. In honest homeopathic products the goal is not to replace your HGH with the HGH in the bottle (this would be impossible). The theory is that even the smallest amount of HGH can stimulate your own body to produce more HGH. This stimulation theory may be valid and we will discuss it more on our HGH enhancer article.

Claim: Our product is FDA approved!

There are no FDA Approved Dietary Supplements. The simple truth is that the FDA does not approve or disapprove of Dietary Supplements. The Dietary Supplements Health and Education Act (DSHEA) of 1994 says that Dietary Supplements do not need FDA approval. This is why there are so many supplements on the market - there is no approval process. The best advice is buyer beware.

Are there any supplements worth taking?

Luckily, yes. I know this article has been pretty depressing so far, but if you search through all the misinformation out there, sometimes you find the needle in the haystack. Research indicates that the best way to elevate HGH levels is to stimulate the body to produce more HGH. Rather than introduce more HGH into the body, you can stimulate your own pituitary gland to produce more HGH. Remember that studies have shown that an old pituitary gland has the same capacity to produce HGH as a young pituitary gland. If we can find a way to stimulate our pituitary gland we will have the best of all worlds. You are not introducing a foreign GH, so you eliminate the side effects. Also, our body is very good at self regulating - it will not produce an excessive amount of HGH which could be harmful. In effect, you body knows best what the correct dosage of HGH is to release for your body.

The Article is Published here:

Advice HGH - Detailed research on human growth hormone (HGH) and IGF-1 supplements. Information and clinical studies on Growth Hormone products. Sound HGH advice without all the hype.

Sytropin HGH - Official Sytropin HGH website.

About the Author:

Sudha is an internet marketer and enjoys writing on various subjects. Reach him at Ani SEO Firm.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Holiday to Florida with Orlando Holiday Rental

It cannot get any simpler than this. A holiday to Florida is incomplete without Orlando, period. It is amazing to know how much entertainment a city can offer! Orlando is the undisputed gateway to the entertainment capital of USA, and also probably, the world. Orlando attracts hoards of tourists all year long, especially during holidays. One may chose to navigate Orlando's world-renown theme parks, or otherwise have a great time visiting the Kennedy Space Center.

If you are planning to visit Disney World or other attractions in Orlando, planning the trip with a little research on the internet can save you some money. Rather than choosing the first package that comes your way, it is highly recommended to get some more information about holiday rentals other kinds of lodgings available.

True to its fame, Orlando spoils a tourist by its plethora of options as far as staying is concerned. Holiday rentals, holiday homes, hotels, resorts, rental apartments- you name it and Orlando has it. Depending on your spending capacity and holiday interest, you get to chose among a plethora of holiday rentals, hotels and resorts. A good selection of Orlando villas you can find at

Holiday rental means renting out fully furnished villa or house on a temporary basis to tourists. Holiday rental at Florida is also known as holiday homes, rental apartments, holiday rentals or rental apartment. Unlike hotels or resorts which charge per person, holiday rentals or holiday rentals have a set price for an entire holiday with a cap on the maximum number of persons allowed.

Starting from inexpensive single family style homes to a luxurious villa with a private mini golf course and a swimming pool, holiday rentals at Orlando cover the entire spectrum. Most of the holiday rentals at Orlando have separate bedrooms, fully functional kitchens, bathrooms, and more often than not, a balcony. Many of the Orlando holiday rentals come with added facilities which make them as comfortable as a hotel. This makes these holiday homes of Orlando ideal for price sensitive guests as renting a holiday apartment often works out far less expensive than a resort or a hotel.

Most of the holiday apartments do not allow pets and Pet friendly rental apartments generally are costlier than normal holiday homes.

Orlando is a great place to spend your holiday with your family. And make no mistake. Orlando has as much to offer to adults as it has for children. Explore the Walt Disney World, or indulge yourself in shopping or visit the Orange County Regional History Center; Orlando never runs out of options. And to top it all, after a day of entertainment, adventure and fun, when you stay at an Orlando holiday rental you get the feeling of being back at home.

Orlando holiday Rental or Disney holiday villa at Orlando can be directly rented or leased from their owners or holiday rental agencies. Most of the rental appartments are directly listed by the owners.

Friday, February 23, 2007

A Common Mistake of Many Writers

A common mistake of many beginning or aspiring writers is using too many words. While it may seem advantageous to paint a picture for your readers; using wordy descriptions isn�t the way to do it. Writers should strive to get their point across in as few words as possible.

Ernest Hemingway said:

�My aim is to put down what I see and what I feel in the best and simplest way I can tell it.�

Ernest Hemingway�s reference to telling things the �simplest way� should not be confused with talking down to your reader. Simply put, we should tell our readers in a way they will easily relate to and understand. How can we do this? The best way is through showing our readers, not telling them.

For example, let�s say our character really wants a bagel and coffee from her favorite bakery before heading to work, but they are really busy and the line is long. In our example, let�s assume our goal is to get this information across to our reader, along with our character�s irritation and final decision to stay despite being late for work.

The following paragraph is an example of �telling� our reader what we want them to know:

Leslie walked into the bakery. She was already late for work. There was a long line. This made Leslie irritated and she almost left. She wanted a bagel and a coffee so bad though, that she decided to stay, even if it made her late for work. �Why can�t they just hurry up?� she thought.

This next paragraph is an example of �showing� our reader this same information:

Rushing through the bakery door, Leslie nearly slammed in to the last person in line it was so long. Biting her nails and tapping her foot rapidly, Leslie debated leaving. Mmmm. The smell of poppy seed bagels and fresh brewed coffee sealed her fate; she would be late to work again today.

As you can see, the 2nd example is more effective, as well as attention grabbing. Showing our reader provokes feeling, paints a picture and places our reader in the setting with our character. Showing fosters our reader�s imagination. If we tell our reader what to think and how to perceive each situation; what is left for our reader to imagine? Without imagination, our reader can�t place himself in the situations with our characters; and this makes for a very boring read.

Spend some time practicing showing, not telling. Pull out some of your old writings and rewrite them with a goal of showing your reader in any of the places you�ve told your reader what to think or feel. This could make such a big difference; you just might end up with a few �like new� articles to submit for publication! And, wouldn�t that be great?

Deanna Bounds Ross is a successful freelance writer, writing coach, internet business owner, and business consultant with over 15 years experience in business management and public relations in a corporate setting and 20+ years writing, coaching and teaching experience. Deanna is the founder and administrator of Creative Multiplicity, a resource site for writers, as well as an online education center for writers and entrepreneurs.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Common Questions Asked About Last Will Forms

WHAT IS A LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT? A Last Will and Testament controls the distribution of your property at death and you may give some one you trust guardianship over your children after your death. No property is transferred or effects will take place, a will is not effective as long as you�re living.

CAN MY LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT BE CHANGED? Yes. Changes to a will are made by simply making a new will and destroying the old one. Or you can just add on to your will with a "Codicil".

A Codicil is a legal document that must be signed and executed in the same way you executed your will. This is where downloadable, printable legal form websites will help you quickly draw up a new will or add to it. The best practice to use is to consult an attorney about changes to your will you want if you are afraid to make the original will invalid.

WHAT IS MY LEGAL RESIDENCE? Your legal residence is the state where you�re true fixed and permanent home, a place where if you�re temporarily absent you will return.

IS MY LEGAL RESIDENCE IMPORTANT WITH REGARD TO MY WILL? Yes. Your legal residence may affect which state you have to file your will in and the amount of state inheritance or estate tax that may be paid at death.

WHAT IS MY ESTATE? Your estate consists of all of your property, personal belongings, and cash which you own. You can also list things you are entitled to own at the time of your death. Your estate should also include your insurance policy and who is the primary, or even secondary beneficiary. You may also wish to divide your estate among several persons.

WHAT IS A BENEFICIARY? A beneficiary is the person whom you will leave your estate too. You may leave all your property to one single beneficiary or you can divide your estate among several people.

WHAT IS A SECONDARY BENEFICIARY? Those who will inherit your property if your primary beneficiary dies before your death. You can keep the chain going and include as many third beneficiaries, fourth, fifth, and so on.

CAN I DISPOSE OF MY PROPERTY IN ANY WAY? Yes, but not exactly in all states. Some states require that a married person give their spouse some part of their estate. Plus your guardianship should be chosen with great care because this person will be charged with the duty of raising your children and managing their legal affairs.

SHOULD I NAME A GUARDIAN FOR MY CHILDREN IN MY WILL? Yes. A guardian should be named in a will. This will ensure that your children and their portion of your estate is cared for and protected in case both parents die.

WHAT IS AN EXECUTOR? An executor or executrix (if female) a so-called "personal representative" is the person who will manage and settle your estate according to the will. You should also consider naming a substitute executor in the event that the named executor fails to act as the executor of your estate.

WHAT IS PROBATE? A court procedure where a will is proved valid or invalid. Probate proceedings will also finalize your estate, taxes and guardianship of your children.

HOW LONG IS A WILL VALID? An executed and properly drawn will is valid until you change it or it is revoked. However new tax laws, marriage, birth of children, and sometimes a substantial change in property/assets can determine whether your will is adequate and your property/assets will pass in the manner you chose.

WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU DON'T MAKE A WILL? You have no say in how your property is divided.

WHAT HAPPENS TO PROPERTY HELD IN THE NAMES OF BOTH HUSBAND AND WIFE? Joint bank accounts and real property held in both names usually get passed to the survivor and NOT by the deceased's will, depending on your states laws.

MLA Citation:

"Will Information Sheet" The Naval Post Graduate School. 2006. Presidio of Monterey Legal Assistance Office. 12 Dec. 2006 .

Click here to find your state's Last Will Form. provides downloadable and printable Last Will and Testament Forms.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Turn any website into an instant success with this powerful new software!

Everybody would love to make lots of money quickly, working from home, and only doing a few hours of work per week. I've spent the past two years trying to find a great way of doing this. Only over the course of the past few months have I found any "get rich quick" programs worth buying. I've been trying to make money online for a long time. I had a few small websites, but they never made much more than a few hundred per month. It was easy money and didn't require much work on my part, but I knew there were people out there doing better than I was and I knew I could do as well as them.

Now, I've seen a lot of "get rich quick" programs. Most of these people make claims about earning $2000/day with Google or something similarly insane. Almost all of these people are complete liars. Even if they were making $2000/day with Google AdSense, it'd be because they had high- traffic websites with a lot of quality content. I'd know, because in one whole month, I never even made half of what they promised I'd make daily with their programs. Maybe you've already been scammed by one of these fraudsters. Anyway, I finally got sick of what was being offered.

I decided I'd look through the all of the "get rich quick" programs I could find and see if there were any that were actually legitimate. I found that there were owners selling their programs for well over $100, but the information in them could be found almost anywhere online for free. Additionally, they all contained out-of-date information, had no e-mail support, no money back guarantees, and broken links in the downloads section.

In conclusion, almost all of the programs I found were completely useless. The owners knew it, but they couldn't care less about their customers since they didn't offer refund policies! Amazingly, while looking through all of the programs, I actually did find a few legitimate programs. They were run by ordinary people like you and me, and they had found some great methods of making money from their home by doing very little work.

I spent some time working with those programs, and my income is now ten times what it used to be. These programs provided a large amount of great information on how to make extra money on your computer doing very little work. Numerous customers had provided great feedback and reviews for their products. Many of them have started to make money just days after buying!

Their programs have excellent prices, and the authors have a group of paid staff who are dedicating to helping you or providing assistance if you need any. I must say I was amazed! If you do decide to purchase any of the programs listed below, I recommend you join quickly. Most of the owners tell me they are getting an overwhelming number of sales and plan on raising prices in the near future, so order while prices are still low!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

The increase of online sales

In this article we will present some simple changes that can help you to increase your online sales.

Title and description

A simple change of the title or of the main description can produce a big increase. The title and the description must focus on the benefits of the product, in order to make the reader curious and to make him a client. You must address directly to your client in order to make the communication more efficient.

Background color

It is a simple change which can increase your sales. The most suitable color is dark blue, but also gray, black and white. You must focus upon your target category of clients, because different categories react different.

Audio marketing

Adding an audio component to your page can increase your. Audio files make the communication more personal and increase your credibility.

Exit pop-up

It is a very strong tool for collecting information. It is a very good way to make the visitor return to your site after he leaves it.

Font color

Colors have a very important role in online marketing. You can increase your conversion rate using a red font in tiles and descriptions. Underlining with the yellow font has a very strong effect .Use underlining, bold and italics far what you consider important. All internet readers use scanning when they are reading the pages.

The text from the command button

If you have only a command button and it is situated at the end of the page you might have a problem. You should put a red line round about the command button. It could be one of those simple actions which double your sales.

Newsletter/Auto responder

Unfortunately not all the visitors from your site are ready to buy. In order to have success you have to be permanently in touch with your potential clients. For this you must make everything that is possible to take their email address in order to inform them.

The product

When a product is presented on a page try to maintain the attention on it with all the possible information. If on the same page you present products and other information you distract the visitors� attention and you confuse him. The focalization on client and product must be at a high level.

Web interaction

By publishing on the site your confessions about the product, you can increase your sales. Credibility is very important on the internet and through the declarations of the pleased costumers you can obtain personal communication. When the people who risked and made business with you would be pleased, you obtain from them a very strong confidence. The opinions of the clients must be included in the marketing plan.

The guarantee

The guarantee of the products is a very important aspect. A strong guarantee, on a large period of time, shows that you are very confident in the products that you sell. The longer the period for the guarantee is, the fewer the returns will be. The customer that buys for the first time is more important than the value of his order.


It does not matter what are you selling online, you can increase your sales by using the pictures of the products. In this way a little change of picture�s type can increase your sale. If you use 3D pictures you will automatically increase the number of visited pages. Also the time that a visitor spends on your site increases and the more time he spends on your site the bigger is the probability to sell him something.


Peoples who are buying from the internet are looking for an advantage. You can increase your sales using a system of bonuses. If a product is going to be ordered and receives a bonus you can considered it an ordered product. Using the words �limited offer until� makes the customer to fell the need for an order. If these expressions are used normally and not aggressively they can increase your sales in a spectacular way.

Oana is the head of marketing department at BODRAG. Visit our website:

Monday, February 19, 2007

Understanding The Divorce Process, and The Legal Definitions of Custody

A period of separation can be a trying time for a couple, but it can also cause complications in the family dynamic if there are children involved. When separating, it is imperative that the parents devise a custody/visitation arrangement, also called a "parenting plan". Custody of a child involves decisions of who the child will live with as well as who will be the primary decision maker regarding the child's health, education, and future. Ideally, both parents can come to an agreement on how to divvy up custody; with the approval of the judge, this plan can effectively and immediately be implemented. However, in many cases the parents cannot agree with one another's terms and a mediator is brought in to assist in the proceedings.

For the majority of cases, one to two mediation sessions will resolve the issues surrounding the proposed parenting plan. It is important to understand that a mediator will not act as the arbiter in your custody case---that is the role of a judge; additionally, the term 'mediator' is not synonymous with 'counselor'. Though, many mediators hold a master's degree in counseling or social work, their role in custody cases is to help both parents come to an agreement regarding the welfare of the child. The mediator is a neutral party who will illuminate various options concerning visitation and act as a support for the parties involved.

Mediators are knowledgeable about the judicial system of the state where they practice. They can answer any questions you may have regarding the custody process. They will work with the parents to resolve every issue pursuant to the parental custody agreement--right down to the child's method of transportation to and from each parent's home.

If the mediation process does not end in an agreement between the parents, some counties allow the mediator to make a recommendation for the judge's consideration. Other counties hold that the subject matter discussed in mediation is completely confidential. However, if your mediator hears evidence of, or is suspicious of child abuse, the mediator must report it to the judge. Mediators are required by law to do so.

If the mediation process does not progress smoothly, then there will be a court hearing or settlement conference with the judge. During this process, the judge will make decisions upon all issues, which could not be resolved during mediation. These decisions commonly include matters of custody and visitation rights, but it can also involve the request of a psychiatric evaluation of either party.

Many decisions regarding the welfare of your child will be decided in the court hearing. The major issue in most divorce situations is usually that of custody. In some cases, a sole custody order will be granted.

There are three types of sole custody orders. Exclusive custody means that one parent holds primary physical custody; this parent has the right to make judgments regarding the child's health, education, and residence. The second type is sole legal custody wherein one parent holds the decision-making powers regarding health and education, but does not control the child's residence. The opposite of legal custody is sole physical custody; in this type of custody, the child will live with the primary parent and the secondary parent will have visitation rights, which are subject to the decisions of the primary parent. In this type of custody, the primary parent cannot make decisions regarding the child's health, safety, and education without the permission of the other parent.

The other types of custody fall under the heading of joint custody. With pure joint custody, parents collaborate on the methods they will use to rear the child and the child's residence is shared between the two of them. With joint legal custody, both parents will share in the decisions regarding the child's education, health, and safety. The third type is joint physical custody wherein the child will divide his/her residency between the two parents. This does not mean that the residency will be equally shared, however it does stipulate that the child must spend a considerable amount of time with both parents. Divided custody stipulates that both parents will retain custodial rights for finite periods; for example, if there are two children in question, then the son might stay with the mother for a period of time and the daughter will live with the father during that same period. In this situation, visitation rights are still available for the non-custodial parent.

In unique situations, the judge may find that neither parent is fit to have custody of the child in question. In such circumstances, he may grant custody to someone other than the child's parents. In non-parent custody, the guardian will make decisions regarding the child's health and well being, but the parents will retain some visitation rights.

When deciding upon the custody of a child, the judge's main concern is the welfare of the child. That said, the judge will only consider a parent's emotions, opinions, and financial background, so much as these factors affect the child's best interests. Thus, there are many factors that may influence a judge's decision. The judge will first consider the child's health and safety; once that factor has been taken into consideration, the judge will also examine whether either parent has displayed a history of physical abuse. The judge will often require evidence of abuse in the forms of a police report or feedback from child protective services.

The third factor in the determination of custody is that of violent crime. For example, unless the judge decides that there is no significant risk for the child, California law finds that a parent who has been convicted or is registered as a sex offender is not a fit parent. Thus, those who fall under this category will be subject to supervised visits only. With other violent crimes, a parent can be denied all visitation and custody rights. This rule applies if one parent is convicted of the first-degree murder of the other parent or if the child is the result of a rape.

Other considerations include that of drug or alcohol abuse and stability of the environment. It is imperative that the child be reared in an environment where he/she can feel safe; therefore, a parent's history with illicit drugs can factor into the custody hearing. Also, any other circumstances that may negatively affect the stability of the child's environment will be examined.

Lastly, sibling separation and the child's wishes are considered. Generally, California courts frown upon splitting up siblings as it may negatively impact their emotional well being. Also, any child who is of age to reasonably consider which parent they would prefer to live with is allowed to give the court feedback on the custody case.

It is important to note that the decisions made during a custody hearing are malleable. If circumstances amongst the parents change, then there may be a modification made to the custody agreement. Some examples of circumstances that may later affect custody include: a residency change, evidence of abuse, or the child wishes to decrease/increase visitation with a specific parent.

Divorces are difficult, and the added concerns of child custody, make the process even more frightening to the person who does not know what they should expect from the process. With the right information at your disposal, you will be better prepared to complete the process without fear of getting a raw deal. It is our hope that with this information, you can enter into divorce proceedings, armed with the information that will help you to get a fair judgment from the legal system.

Amerion Abler writes about divorce & child custody. If you are a Orange County California resident, seeking a divorce in California, then Dishon & Block, APC, Attorneys At Law will help protect your interests. Their California family law attorneys have helped many people just like you. Visit:

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Experiments and Results: Targeted vs. Untargeted Traffic

Most webmasters are always looking for new and inventive ways to drive traffic to their website. There are many proven methods of getting the traffic to a website, but if that new increase in traffic does not convert into sales, then is it still worth the effort that you put into getting that traffic?

I had a discussion recently with a colleague about generating traffic from outside of our target market. As a result of our discussion, we decided that we certainly could utilize various markets to get a huge boost in traffic, but since this traffic would likely not result in any conversions, that there was really no point in spending the time and effort on going after that traffic.

In a previous "experiment" on one of my websites, I started using the social networking tactic to generate traffic. I bookmarked a page of my site and submitted to many of the standard sites like,,,,, etc.

By doing this, I was able to get a huge increase in traffic to the site for a couple of days. The problem is, that I did not get one single conversion from this new traffic. I used a catchy headline and a good description of the article that I submitted to the social networking sites, good enough to get people to come visit the page anyway. But with the lack of getting a single conversion, it really did not seem worthwhile to me to do again in the future.

Now I know that some of you might be thinking, "Well, his sales pitch must be terrible" or that "His website is poorly designed." If this were the case, I would have no problem admitting to this, but when I compare the untargeted traffic that I received from the social book marking sites to the targeted traffic that I see from organic searches I can see a big difference in conversion rates. The targeted traffic that comes from organic searches generally results in a 5-8% conversion rate. The untargeted traffic resulted in a 0% conversion rate.

How To Talk To Prospects Who Are In Your Target Market

The above results lead me to believe that a much better use of my time would be to focus more on the targeted market and to stop wasting time on the untargeted visitors. There are many techniques that can be used to find prospects in your target market. Many of these techniques are old news to experienced webmasters.

Some of these methods include contextual marketing through programs such as AdWords, posting on relevant forums, improving your Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for the organic traffic, and submitting articles to article repositories. You can also buy paid advertising in newsletters that cater to the people who are most likely to buy your products or services. These are just a handful of the methods that a Webmaster could utilize to get in touch with his or her target market.

Each of the above listed methods has their pros and cons.

Time commitment and ongoing financial commitments are two of the cons that are mentioned on a regular basis.

The pros given with all five typically represent tightly targeted traffic, suitably primed for conversion to paying customers.

The Dick Cheney Analogy

The Dick Cheney analogy has often been used to talk about this subject. Should you use the Rifle Approach or the Shotgun Approach?

The Rifle Approach lets you pinpoint your target and to hit it with great accuracy and frequency. The Shotgun Approach is sending a number or projectiles into a flock of birds and hoping you hit something. Dick Cheney proved that the shotgun sometimes hits its mark. (tongue-in-cheek people, tongue-in-cheek.)

For example, if you are selling health related products, then a media buy in WebMD would make good sense. People browsing WebMD are already interested in health and therefore are more likely to buy your health related products. People who are browsing on Myspace are not motivated to think about their own health at the time they see your ad, so your chances of success with Myspace ads are greatly diminished.

So, if you are going to expend time and money to attract visitors to your website, shouldn't you take care to primarily target people who are most likely to buy what you are selling?

Playing The Odds To Our Favor

Sure, a shotgun approach can sometimes hit its mark; we know that. But, if your cost for advertising or time expense is exactly the same, why aim for 1-2% when you know you can hit 5-8% doing something else?

We still mix-and-match our advertising approach. We aim most of our projectiles at the 5-8% conversion targets. We still aim a few projectiles at the 1-2% conversion prospects, because it allows us to reach people that we may not be able to reach otherwise. But, any method that we use that consistently turns 0% is taken off of our plate forever.

Trey Pennewell writes for LinksAndTraffic, owned by Bill Platt. They help webmasters gain traction and better positioning in the organic search engine results, by utilizing inbound link building strategies on behalf of their clients. Bill can be reach by phone at 405-780-7745, 9am-6pm CST, Mon-Fri. Or you can learn more at his website:

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Strategies For Coping With Your Debts

If you're struggling with debt problems it can seem like you're trapped in a never-ending fight to keep your head above water, desperately juggling your finances around to keep your creditors happy. It can also seem like you're alone in your struggle, but this is very far from the truth. Millions of people have at one time or another been in a similar situation, and even though it might currently seem like there's no way out, millions of people have successfully left their debt worries behind.

There are thousands of sites on the internet offering help and advice, sometimes as a free service, but often as a commercial venture which you'll have to pay for in one way or another. With all this information overload, how can you even get started on deciding how to handle your debts? Read on to learn the basics of some of the most popular debt strategies, which will help you decide which strategy is right for you and is worth researching further.


This is the most basic way of getting your finances back in shape. By sitting down and working out all your income and expenses, you can clearly see the parts of your money management that need more attention. Often, this basic step will show up easy ways to economize, giving you a little more breathing space every month, and making it easier to pay those bills.

Debt Consolidation

If, after examining your budget, you find that you really can't make ends meet, then it's worth considering taking out a consolidation loan. The basic idea behind consolidation is to take out one big loan which you use to clear all your other debts, meaning you only have one repayment to make every month. Ideally, your new loan will be at a lower interest rate than your current debts, so your monthly repayment will be lower. You can also spread the repayments over a longer period, taking some of the financial pressure off, but this will mean you're paying more in interest in the long run.

Debt Management

Some people who have serious debt problems might not be able to arrange a consolidation loan. This might be because they've already borrowed to the hilt and no lender is willing to advance any more credit, or it may be that in the course of their debt problems their credit rating has been badly damaged. At this point, debt management is a good option. It works by handing over the management of your debts to a specialist company or agent, who will contact your creditors on your behalf and negotiate a way forward, such as lowering interest rates, extending the repayment term, or cancelling previous fees and charges.

Entering into debt management has the great advantage of relieving the immediate stress and worry of dealing with your debts, but the disadvantage is that in most cases the management company will charge a fee, and the damage to your credit rating will be considerable.

Individual Voluntary Arrangements

This is a step further than debt management, in that the agreements you make with your creditors are legally binding. You will also have any remaining debts cleared after keeping to the arrangment over a period of five years. Should you fail to keep to the arrangement, then bankruptcy is the only remaining option.


This is the final step to take when all other attempts to handling your debts have failed. All your assets will be frozen and used to pay off your debt, and most of any income you receive during your bankruptcy period will also be taken from you. The damage to your credit rating will be almost irreperable, and even though many people have started to see bankruptcy as an easy way out of debt, the long term consequences are grave, and it should only be considered as an absolute last resort.

Martin writes on many aspects of personal finance, and has a blog devoted to debt problems and ways of handling debts.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Pet Insurance : What To Look For

Keeping a pet is a rewarding experience which many of us enjoy, but it can also be expensive. As well as all the routine costs such as food and grooming, you can also come up against unplanned expenses such as vetinary bills through sickness or accident. These bills can unfortunately be very high, so to ensure that their pets can get the treatment they need many people decide that taking out pet insurance is a sensible way of helping to cushion these costs. But what should you be looking for in a pet insurance policy?

The first thing to consider is what kind of pet you have. The cheapest kind of pet insurance is that for the most common pets - cats and dogs. Prices for these policies can be very reasonable indeed, amounting to only the cost of a few tins of pet food a month. If, however, you keep a more unusual kind of animal as a pet, then the price you pay may well be higher. Make sure that any policy you take out specifically includes your kind of pet, as many will exclude more 'exotic' kinds of animal.

The main reason for considering pet insurance is cover for medical treatment, but there are some exclusions that you need to be aware of. Firstly, your policy will almost certainly not cover routine treatments such as vaccinations, flea control, or worming. Secondly, you won't be covered for any pre-existing conditions that were already known about when you took out the policy (you should also declare any existing conditions when you take out the policy, or you risk it being declared invalid when you come to make a claim).

You also need to check your policy for claim limits: there may be a time limit of cover, so for example a long-term condition such as arthritis may only be covered for a period of 12 months, after which you will be responsible for meeting the bills. There is also usually a limit to the total cost of medical bill claims you make in any one year, but this is usually high enough to cover almost any conceivable situation.

Another major reason for taking out insurance is to help you cover the costs of getting your pet back if it goes missing. Most policies will contribute towards advertising in local newspapers etcetera, and also to providing reward money for the safe return of your pet.

Another very important part of your insurance cover is public liability, especially for dog owners. Even the calmest and most well behaved of pets could possibly cause damage to someone's property, or even cause an injury to a person. In this thankfully rare event, you could be open to huge legal bills and compensation claims - make sure that your policy includes a substantial amount of third party liability cover as standard.

Finally, check whether the policy you're considering places a limit on the age of your pet. Many policies are only available to, for example, cats up until the age of eight years. As it is in later years that your pet is most likely to need treatment, it obviously makes sense to ensure your policy will cover this, especially if your pet has a few years under their belt!

Nicholas writes for 1Stop Personal Finance where you can browse pet insurance providers and read a longer version of this article at All About Pet Insurance

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Foreclosures Can Mean A New Source For Profits

If you are an investor, you may already know that real estate offers many exciting areas for revenue and profits, but unless you are considering foreclosure properties as well, you may not be getting the most for your property dollar. In general, a foreclosure is a real estate property that has been repossessed, usually because the owner was not able to make mortgage payments. Once the lender legally repossesses the property through a legal process known as foreclosure, the property can be sold again to investors and other property buyers. There are several sellers you can turn to for a foreclosure:

1) The government. When a home owner defaults on a home loan insured by the government, the government pays the lender for the money lost through the loan. In exchange, the lender hands the home over to the government agency and the government then sells the property in order to make up the money that has to be paid to the lender. From the government, you can buy an HUD foreclosure, a VA foreclosure, and a Fannie Mae foreclosure.

2) Banks and other lenders. When a home loan is not insured by the government, the lender has all the responsibility of a bad loan. This means that when the owner defaults, the lender repossesses the property and tries to sell it themselves or through a third party.

3) The owner. When an owner knows that foreclosure is imminent, they still have the option of selling the property as a pre foreclosure and paying off the lender. This saves their credit and may give them some cash. Buying a pre foreclosure can be risky but can also give an investor some great deals in real estate.

However you buy a foreclosure, you can expect certain benefits. Most of the time, a foreclosure is sold below it's market value, which means that you can buy this sort of property very inexpensively. Since a foreclosure may have been neglected for a while and since the seller wants to get rid of it fast, you can expect savings of 5% to 50% and more when you buy a foreclosure. This means that you enjoy instant equity you can use right away. The low price also means that you can offer great deals on the property to your own buyers and renters. Plus, the low price and equity you get on a foreclosure can mean very affordable financing, so that you save money all around, which an boost your bottom line.

With these benefits, you may want to buy a foreclosure of your own. Don't look in your local real estate section, though - most foreclosure properties are unadvertised. The best way to find a foreclosure is to subscribe to quality foreclosure listings. Good foreclosure listings offer frequently updated lists of foreclosures that are available for you right now. Online foreclosure listings such make finding a foreclosure a snap, no matter where you live. Plus, you can for free and even receive emali alerts when new Foreclosure properties become available in your area.

If you are ready for the next level of real estate investing, do a quick search for foreclosure properties in your area. You may just find one heck of a deal!

As the Founder of, Matthew Smith strives to provide valuable information to Real Estate Investors at no cost or obligation. For unlimited free searches of foreclosure listings throughout the United States, visit

Monday, February 12, 2007

Are Online Credit Card Applications Too Easy?

The days when the only way to get a credit card was to visit your bank in person are gone forever. Nowadays, it's even quite old fashioned to apply for a card by mail - it's much easier and quicker to apply online, and in many cases you'll even get an instant decision on whether your application is accepted or not. While this is obviously a great convenience, there is a downside to online credit card applications: they can actually be too easy, and can harm your credit rating.

When you're offered the chance to apply for a credit card online, it's not always clear exactly what kind of customer a card issuer is hoping to attract. Each kind of card is aimed at someone within a range of circumstances, such as having a minimum income, being older than a certain age, or having a certain level of credit score.

In the old days, your bank manager or financial advisor would only offer you cards which you had a good chance of being accepted for, but when you're applying online there's no one but yourself to check if the card is right for you. And, seeing as how applying online is so easy, it can be tempting to just apply anyway and see if you're approved. This can be a great mistake.

Every time you're rejected for a card or other kind of finance, this fact is recorded on your credit file. If you have a lot of rejections on your file and not many acceptances, this can actually make your credit rating appear worse, making it ever harder to have an application approved. Obviously, this isn't a desirable outcome and so how can you avoid it?

The first step is to have a good hard look at the range of cards available with the features you want, whether it's a 0% balance transfer deal, a low APR or interest rate, or a great rewards program. The large number of credit card comparison sites on the internet make this a lot easier than it used to be.

Once you've got a shortlist of cards to apply for, check the small print of the one you think is the best, and make sure that there isn't anything like a minimum salary which makes it impossible for you to be approved. If everything seems okay, then take an honest look at your financial circumstances and application history, and decide whether you think you've got a reasonable chance of being approved.

Only after that should you actually go forward with your application, and you should only apply for one card at once. If your application is rejected, see if that card company offers a similar card with a higher interest rate - the acceptance criteria is likely to be looser on that card and so it may be worth applying for it.

Alternatively, you could apply for a similar card from a different card issuer. Different companies have different ways of deciding whether to approve an application, so you might have more luck elsewhere. What you absolutely shouldn't do is keep applying for similar cards from the same issuer, as the acceptance criteria will be more or less the same, and you'll just keep getting rejected, with all the problems this causes for your credit rating. At this point, you have little choice but to set your sights a little lower and apply for a less attractive card, even if this means you'll have to pay more for the convenience of carrying a credit card.

Michael writes for Card Sense UK, where you can find and compare the best credit cards, with sections on reward cards and balance transfer offers.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

What You Need to Know About Your Real Estate Rental

Often a rental agreement is called a lease, especially if your renting real estate or immovable property such as building. You may rent real estate to park vehicle(s), storage, office/business space, agricultural, institutional, or government use, and of course housing. Basically the rental agreement will state who, what, when, and how much.

As the tenant or lessee, you may be required to state who will be living with you, whether its a roomate, family, or others. Also, the rental agreement will have the landlord's or lessor's policy on pets. Your rental agreement will have the landlords policy on when the landlord may enter your home, usually for emergency purposes. As the renter you are in possesion of the property and If the landlord enters your home without proper notice or authority, he will be violating your rights and he would be trespassing.

Rented real property or real estate may include all or part of almost any piece of real property including land. Sometimes the rental agreement will include access to certain pools, bathrooms, laundry rooms, off-set parking, and other things if the premise is split up. If access to rooms is outlined they will define the times you are allowed to use them.

Did you know when you rent a room at a hotel for a night your signing a rental agreement? Chances are you`ve already signed one then, but sorry to dis-appoint you but long-term rental agreements are usually more in depth. Rental agreements could specify that your staying just days, weeks, months, or years. Typically a rental agreement is month to month or annually and usually the rent for annual leases are cheaper because you exclude the month to month turn-over costs. The downside of having a long-term lease is if you decide to leave early, usually you are charged with penalties. The good news is though the rental agreement can specify to automatically renew your lease so a month to month lease may be your best option.

If a tenant is unable to pay or does not follow policy, then landlord may ask you to "quit" (legal term for leave) the premises at your own will, and if the tenant refuses to do so, the landlord then will 99.9% of the time proceed to serve an eviction notice on you. In many states it is illegal for the landlord to change locks on doors, or remove any personal belongings, and extremely illegal to forcibly eject a person, without a court order of eviction. If the landlord violates any of the above contact your lawyer, you are entitled to compensation for "triple damages", plus expenses from your attorneys' fees. The landlord then could face stiff criminal penalties if you decided to press charges.

Finally your rental agreement will state how much you will be paying and on what bases, month to month, annually, aslong as you want, or even in advance. A typical "down payment" will consist of how much the first and last months rent would be and a security deposit. If you do not return your property in ordinary "wear n' tear" condition, the landlord can with-hold your security deposit to pay for the damages. If a security deposit is required, some states will require the landlord to give you the bank account number and the banks name of where your security deposit is being held. Some states also require the landlord to list pre-existing damages to the property, or the state will force them to give back the security deposit.

Nicholas Fagan is the proud to be an author of providing a place to download legal forms for legal do-it-yourselfers. We provide your state specific, do-it-yourself, Residential Lease Form for only $7.95. Providing every Residential Lease Agreement Form for your situation.

Submitted with Article Distributor.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Enriched Air Diving

There are many misconceptions around enriched air diving. This dive article will provide some facts about enriched air, advantages and disadvantages of diving with enriched air, and equipment used for enriched air diving.

Air is a mixture of primarily two gases, approximately 21% oxygen and 79% nitrogen. Nitrogen is the culprit in causing decompression sickness, more commonly know as the "bends". This fact will be important as we discuss enriched air advantages. Enriched air is the result of adding oxygen to air, raising the level of oxygen in the mixture to between 22% and 99%. However, for recreational purposes enriched air blends range from 22% to 40% oxygen. Nitrox is often referred to as "enriched air"; however there is a difference between the two. Nitrox refers to any nitrogen-oxygen mixture, while enriched air is air that has some oxygen added. Therefore by definition enriched air can only contain greater than 21% oxygen. The two most common blends are 32% oxygen (EANx32) and 36% (EANx36). The abbreviation EAN stands for Enriched Air Nitrox.

The primary advantage of enriched air is to extend the no stop limits beyond the normal no stop limits associated with air. Since enriched air has a lower level of nitrogen than air, you absorb less nitrogen while your body is able to metabolize the extra oxygen, assuming you are diving within recreational enriched air limits. This results in longer no decompression limits while diving on enriched air. The primary disadvantage of diving with enriched air is potential exposure to oxygen toxicity. Oxygen can be toxic based on depth and duration under water, and by increasing the level of oxygen in the gas you breathe, you are constrained by your depth and duration. This is why you must calculate both your no decompression limit due to nitrogen, and your oxygen exposure limit called partial pressure. For most non-repetitive dives under 100 feet, you will be limited by the amount of gas as opposed to either the no decompression limit or the partial pressure limits. Enriched air is particularly effective in enhancing the frequency and duration of repetitive dives, since nitrogen buildup is lessened.

Enriched air diving within the recreational limit of under 40% oxygen requires some special equipment, but for the most part you can use the equipment you purchased for diving air. The only new piece of equipment that you will definitely need is a tank. One reason for this is the special markings that must go on an enriched air tank; the other is that the tank must be cleaned and lubricated for oxygen exposure to facilitate partial pressure blending which involves adding pure oxygen to air. A common scuba community guideline is that regulators, BCDs, SPGs and alternate air sources may be used with enriched air blends up to 40% oxygen without modification. However, you should verify that the manufacturer of each piece of equipment has certified that equipment for use with enriched air. For gas mixes with more then 40% oxygen, special equipment is required. As with any scuba equipment, regular servicing is highly recommended, including O-rings and other critical components. During your enriched air training, you will learn how to properly fill and verify the blend of gas in your tank. The verification step is extremely important and must be done by you the diver; you shouldn't rely on anyone else to verify your gas blend.

Remember, you should never dive with enriched air unless you have been certified by a reputable certification organization. While the benefits of diving enriched air are significant, so are the risks.

For other dive articles go to

Article Source:

Author: Rick Abbott

Rick Abbott is an avid diver, part time author, and consultant in the IT field. For more dive articles and tips, go to If you are a writer and like writing articles about diving, submit your articles to where divers can read them online. Also, visit�s Rick�s diving blog at

Article source:

Friday, February 9, 2007

Tips for Traveling by Airline with Diving Equipment

Planning you next dive destination means a lot more than just picking a spot you want to dive. Just as with any dive, preparation is the key to success. You should read all you can about your dive destination and make sure you have all of the most recent information.

That includes weather patterns and forecasts, charters, hotels, and transportation as well as anything else that pertains to your diving adventure. Even if you have been somewhere before, you need to make sure everything is still the same as the last time you were there.

Lets talk about some of the normal things you need to have before you leave for your dive destination. Some of these tips apply to any type of vacation.

Is your passport up-to-date and signed? Have you checked to see if you will need a visa to enter the country that you plan to travel to for your dive? You can search online for travel warnings and announcements for the country that you plan to visit. There is also something called a Consular Information Sheet that explains all of the rules for visitors to a particular country and it can be found online as well.

Also search online for tourist information and local customs and services you might need. Being familiar with your dive destination is very important. Remember the unexpected can cost you money and possibly even ruin the whole trip.

You also need to plan for your flight to your dive destination. Traveling with your dive gear is much more involved than just taking a normal flight, especially with new security restrictions and other changes at airlines.

First of all, you need to plan your trip far in advance if you want things to run smoothly. You need to call the airline you are going to use and tell them all the diving equipment you will be bringing with you. You need to know if your choice of airline will allow for everything and what type of rules are applied to certain pieces of diving equipment.

Lets get more specific about dive equipment and related items. I think everyone knows by now, any sharp instrument in your carry-on luggage will be confiscated. That expensive new dive knife you bought? Gone if you put it in your carry-on luggage. The same goes for all sharp objects like scissors, nail files, and even nail clippers.

Most dive destinations will be able to provide you with air tanks, but if you are thinking of taking a spare air tank, make sure you remove the valve so there is no compressed air in it at all. And keep in mind there are weight restrictions that differ for each airline. You will be charged extra for more weight or in some instances not be able to check in more than a specific weight at all.

Check with the airline that you are planning to use about weight restrictions well in advance. For instance, American Airlines at one time allowed you to take an extra air tank for an extra $90. They may have changed their policy by the time you read this. The last thing you want to do is show up at the airport the day you had planned to leave and finding out you cannot board with your dive equipment.

Some pieces of dive equipment you may not see as a problem may very well be a problem with airport security, especially airport security in some of the countries you plan to visit.

If you take anything from reading this article, I hope it is that you need to plan your dive trip in advance, especially where the airlines are concerned. Have a great dive trip!

Rick Abbott is an avid diver, part time author, and consultant in the IT field. For more dive articles and tips, go to If you are a writer and like writing articles about diving, submit your articles to where divers can read them online. Also, visit�s Rick�s diving blog at

Article source:

Rick Abbott is an avid diver, part time author, and consultant in the IT field. For more dive articles and tips, go to If you are a writer and like writing articles about diving, submit your articles to where divers can read them online. Also, visit�s Rick�s diving blog at

Article source:

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Environment Campaigner Prince Albert Celebrates A Year Of Power in Monaco

Controversial though it may be for royals to be seen to be involved in politics, the environment has been top of Prince Albert of Monaco's agenda, and while he is preparing to mark the first year of his succession to the world's second smallest country, a local destination guide suggests that the second smallest country in the world is in safe hands and can look forward to years of progressive economic and social policies that extend well beyond the borders of Monaco.

'Prince Albert has changed his playboy image', they say, 'since coming to power he has taken the initiative on environmental issues, for example in April he went to the North Pole to draw attention to his fellow world leaders that the environment should be top of their agenda, and he has made a concerted effort to put the environment on the Monaco map of issues that need addressing'.

The environment seems to be of particular concern to Prince Albert, and with this in mind the 2006 Monaco Yacht Show will be carbon neutral. The organisers will be paying for a variety of green projects in Europe and further afield, including enough wind turbines in New Zealand to generate power for 50,000 homes.

In two further steps earlier this year to increase Monaco's influence in world affairs and to promote Prince Albert's concern for the environment, the Monaco government announced that it would calculate GDP for the first time, enabling Monaco to meet the UN's target of 0.7 per cent for developing countries, and Prince Albert himself founded a new foundation as 'part of his personal commitment for the protection of the environment and for sustainable development'.

Prince Albert's father, Prince Rainier who ruled Monaco for fifty years was known as the 'builder prince', as Monaco grew out of all recognition while he was in power, transforming the principality from a European backwater to Europe's top tax haven and home to many of Europe's top businessmen and sports stars.

Prince Albert has continued his father's tradition, with plans recently announced for an island to be built off Monte Carlo which will increase the size of the world's second smallest country. But bidders have been asked to plan the project with the environment in mind, as well as the Monaco Grand Prix. The possibilty exists that the Grand Prix circuit will be changed to encompass the new island - and with it more opportunities for overtaking.

Monaco Hotels

Tradition and modernity have long been a feature of Monaco, and as well as a first class infrastructure, Monaco can boast one of the world's top hotels in the Hotel de Paris Monte Carlo.

Along with the banking and finance sectors that help Monaco's economy to be one of Europe's most successful, tourism also plays a major part, with many visitors making day trips from neighbouring France and Italy.

'The Monaco Grand Prix plays a part of course', comment YourMonaco, 'but many tourists want to see what it is really like to be in Monte Carlo, the millionaire's playground. Monaco hotels enjoy high occupation levels despite the day trippers though, as so many business people are in Monaco for two or three days'.

Property prices in Monaco are among the highest in the world, with one bedroom apartments after closing costs starting at around a million Euros.

It's thought unlikely that the new island to be built off Monaco will reduce prices much overall despite the increase in the number of property units available as Monaco real estate is always in demand.

Tribune properties who specialise in Monaco real estate believe that most new apartments will be sold to investors off plan well in advance of any building work starting.

'The problem with property in Monaco is not the lack of buyers', they say, 'but more the lack of good properties for buyers to choose from. Hopefully the new island will address that. Everyone in Monaco is aware of how important the environment is thanks to Prince Albert's initiatives in pushing it up the political agenda, and any new developments will be low rise. With the good weather in Monaco expect to see plenty of solar panels on the roofs to make the buildings energy efficient'.

In his first year Prince Albert has successfully made the people of Monaco aware of global warming and taken steps to combat it, and for his second year and beyond he is likely to be campaigning just as hard at home and abroad on the issue he believes in so much.

Tax haven Monaco with Prince Albert at the helm it would appear has as good a future as it's recent past.

Visit for a Monaco map and hotels in Monaco .

The latest Monte Carlo property is at

Included in the guide is the latest Monaco news.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Is Your Corporate Wellness Program Floundering?

Is Your Corporate Wellness Program Floundering?

Companies are instituting corporate wellness programs, often with mixed results. The idea behind a corporate wellness program is actually quite solid: these programs are opportunities for employees to get the help they need to prevent illness.

The general idea of a corporate wellness program is that since as many as 80% of illnesses can be avoided with some preventative care, more attention to corporate fitness can improve productivity, reduce company costs, and can result in happier employees.

While some corporate wellness programs seem to be doing just fine, they are the minority. Some studies have suggested that only about 1 out of 9 corporate wellness programs are seen as successful. This means that many corporate wellness programs are costing money but not producing desired results.

In fact, some employers report that expensive employee exercise and employee wellness programs are used by only a tiny minority of employees

- usually those employees who are already fit. Many companies that have invested in a corporate wellness program find that their workers are as unhealthy as ever!

What is behind this alarming trend in corporate wellness programs? Research by Golding Corporate Wellness, Inc

( has revealed specific factors that lead to unsuccessful corporate wellness programs:

1. Not investing in corporate wellness programs. Even today, many companies simply do not pay enough attention to worksite wellness to institute a corporate wellness program. The first step to a successful corporate wellness program, then, is to create a solid one. GCW, Inc. can help if you are having trouble getting started.

2. Investing only in employee exercise facilities. Many companies mistakenly assume that building employee exercise rooms or getting employee gym memberships means a corporate wellness program. This is not the case.

The key to corporate wellness programs is to have a whole-health approach that makes it easy for employees to get fit and stay healthy. Your corporate wellness program should appeal to all workers, not just to the athletic. This means setting up programs that are attractive to employees and it means doing research ahead of time to find out which corporate wellness programs may appeal to the company's employees.

3. Having a corporate wellness program that does not provide education. Any corporate wellness regimen should include easy access to information.

Employees should know all about the benefits of corporate wellness programs, should know how to exercise and should have all the information they need to make healthy decisions on the job and at home. This part of corporate wellness programs can even include workplace safety information.

If your corporate wellness program is not working, it is the approach and not the corporate fitness philosophy itself that may be to blame. A few simple changes may be all it takes to start seeing some smiles at the office!

Ken Golding is President of Golding Corporate Wellness, Inc., a company that helps executives achieve financial return on their corporate wellness programs. For 24 years Ken has been helping individuals and organizations get unexpectedly rewarding results from their fitness and wellness efforts.

Monday, February 5, 2007

Underwater Lighting Basics: Which Light Is The Best Light For You?

Every diver must think of underwater kinetics at some point. Unless you want to feel around in the dark every time you go under the water you�ll have to consider what kind of flashlight you need. Here are a few tips for choosing the right scuba light.

First, let me give you an introduction. The basic types of light include LED, HID, and Xenon. Each, of course, has its special characteristics and which one is right for you depends on your diving goals. Let�s examine each type of scuba light on its own merits.


LED stands for light-emitting diode. These lights are long lasting and use very little power, which makes them quite useful to divers.


High-intensity discharge lights are useful if you need more light at longer distances. They tend to be more expensive but worth the extra price if you are charting darker territory.


Xenon lights use the highest intensity available for more light, longer durations and super super power. These are the underwater lights for the experts.

All three kinds of dive light have a host of features you can try on for size. You can get them with lanyards, clips, head mounts, key rings, fiber optic probes, and various battery sizes and unique features for type of light. But which one is right for you?

What type of diver are you? Do you dive for sport and entertainment, are you an instructor, or do you go on dangerous shark hunting missions? That makes a huge difference in the type of light you need. For most of us, a simple LED light is ideal. This is especially true if you are a beginning diver.

If you are new to diving you should get a mini-light. They are less bulky and chances are you�ll be going out with a more experienced diver who has a more powerful light. But you�ll still want one of your own.

If you are more experienced and tend to dive for longer periods of time then you will want a more powerful light. If your dive sessions tend to be for hours on end then you want a light that can stand the test of time. You want one whose battery isn�t going to fizz out while you explore those coral reefs.

For divers who like to explore dark, unexplored corners of the sea, you�ll want something that offers some brightness. What sense does it make to go into an underwater cave with a flashlight that only operates at 2 lumens?

Are you a photographer? Do you like to shoot pictures of marine wildlife? Then you�ll definitely want a head lamp. Get something that has enough power to illuminate at greater distances, particularly if you plan to photograph exotic sea life or dangerous creatures like sharks and other aqua predators. It�s imperative that you have your hands free to fiddle with the camera.

If you dive in places where there is a possibility of bumping into other divers then you should probably wear a beacon. This lets other divers see you before they harpoon you. Put one on your back because you will not always meet other divers eye to eye. But you�ll also want to wear one on the front side of your body as well. If possible, put one on your head and one on your foot or leg as many divers like to scale the floors of the waters in which they dive. You want your beacon to be seen from any direction � front, back, side, top or bottom.

The most important thing to keep in mind when choosing a diving light, next to safety, is personal style and taste. What makes you comfortable? Do you like holding the pistol grip in your hand and pretend you are James Bond under the sea? Or do you prefer having your hands free? Do like your light bouncing around as you dive as they tend to do with a lanyard, or do you prefer to have them clipped to your wetsuit or other gear?

These are some of the questions you need to ask yourself when you are shopping for a diving light.

Rick Abbott is an avid diver, part time author, and consultant in the IT field. For more dive articles and tips, go to If you are a writer and like writing articles about diving, submit your articles to where divers can read them online. Also, visit�s Rick�s diving blog at

Article Source:

Sunday, February 4, 2007

Make Your Business Travel Easier With Better Technology

At one point not long ago travel time was considered dead time to the businessperson. Dead time while waiting on flights, on the plane and, worse, dead time in the hotel was, in general, considered to be wasted time. That�s not so today.

With the advent of WIFI in airports and hotels, travel time does not need to be a waste. We no longer even consider packing the laptop into the luggage. Rather, we carry it on the plane with us and use it during travel.

Most airports have now added the ability to hook into their broadband networks with an Ethernet cord. Better still, you can just boot up with a wireless card and you�re good to go. For a list of airports in the United States and Europe that offer free Internet hotspots check out this web site:

This also goes for hotels and motels. Just boot up your computer and you�re back in the office. Some hotels offer high-speed Internet at an additional cost. But it�s usually packaged with long distance service or unlimited calling. Others offer the Internet connection free. Usually, all you need to do is supply your name and, in some cases, a room number, to connect. Other hotels may offer wireless service only in rooms within range of its network.

Even laptops not equipped with wireless cards can access the wireless Internet service at some hotels because guests can check out equipment at the desk. For wired connections, a cable may be supplied in the room. If you feel limited, as a lot of us do when tied to the wall with the Ethernet cable, consider adding a compact router to your briefcase. Several are now available for under $100 and their range is actually comparable to the full size router.

OK, so now you know how easy it is to connect. But what about the equipment? For seamless travel, most of us know that a laptop and a cell phone are essential lifelines for the business traveler, but what other technology and new equipment is available to the travelling businessperson?

Packing all of the pieces and toting them can be a hassle, to be sure. The luggage industry has finally realized this and has risen to the occasion. Today, more than ever, we are seeing compact bags that will pack the multitude of cords, wires and chargers needed for business travel.

It seems that the old heavy bags are a thing of the past and travelers now rely more on the backpack style to travel. They pack equipment that weighs several times more than their body size. The only real care to take is to make sure that the wireless card is safely stored in a pocket of the backpack - not in the computer, And for sanity�s sake, a lesson learned the hard way, pack an extra.

Whether you opt for the briefcase version or the easier-to-tote backpack, style and room is not going to be sacrificed. Both the traditional briefcase and the backpack are now roomier and well padded for the office essentials. Both styles come with and without wheels. The choice is the travelers, and there is a multitude of ways to go.

When it comes to business travel, pack the right tools and you won�t even know that you are out of the office. Advances in technology have made business travel easier than ever.

Rick Abbott is an experienced business traveler, part time author, and consultant in the IT field. For more road warrior articles and tips, go to If you are a writer and like writing articles about business travel, submit your articles to where other business travelers can read them online.

Article Source:

Saturday, February 3, 2007

Car Antenna Replacements Are Quick & Easy When You Know What To Do

The car radio antenna has undergone many changes over the years. For a time, they appeared to be an afterthought in the construction of most automobiles. Antennas were not integrated into the design of the car as they are today, and they provided poor reception to boot. Much has changed in terms of effectiveness and design since the standard vehicle antenna's invention. As the radio has become an essential part of the driving experience, the antenna has advanced to allow for greater durability and sound quality.

In the 1960's, many cars simply had an antenna attached to the front fender. As the years passed, some manufacturers placed them on the windshield. If the windshield had to be replaced, however, owners often lost the only antenna available for their car. Today, replacement antennas are mass-produced and easily attainable-whether your car implements an automatic or manually retractable model.

Antennas are not the most durable parts of a vehicle, and are prone to requiring replacement or repair. There are many ways in which a car's radio antenna may be damaged. Unfortunately, one of the most common causes for antenna damage is vandalism-the antenna is simply snapped from the car's body. Another common cause may be if the driver forgets to retract their car's antenna when entering a car wash. On some vehicles, the antenna may be retracted at the push of a button. On less expensive models, however, this task must be performed manually. Either way, it is easy to forget to do so when entering a car wash; once you enter, the antenna can easily be damaged or broken off.

Replacing a broken antenna is a relatively easy process, depending on the year, make, and model of your vehicle. An antenna that is retracted by motor will be a bit more difficult to replace than one that is manually retractable.

To replace a broken motorized antenna, simply remove the outer top nut of the antenna mast. This will allow you to remove the old mast. Next, you must remove the inner top nut and turn the radio on. You may discard the inner nut and the nylon wire that is attached. To install the new antenna, simply push the new nylon wire down through the assembly hole until it stops. Turn your car's radio off. You will then hear the motor and should see the cable recoil as the motor pulls the cable inward, as if to retract the antenna itself. Once the motor has stopped, you may attach the metal mast into the motor assembly. Then, reinstall the gland nut atop the antenna.

Whether you own a Kia or a Bentley, having a functioning antenna is essential if you want to tune in to local radio stations. Replacement Bentley parts, of course, can be quite expensive. When you replace a Bentley's broken antenna you may choose between manufacturer parts or aftermarket replacements. You can save a good deal of money, regardless of your car's manufacturer, by opting for aftermarket parts. This is true when you are replacing something like a broken radio antenna, and it applies for larger replacement parts as well.

If you find yourself needing to replace your car's antenna, you will probably want to do so quickly-for many people, being able to listen to music and news is a big part of the overall driving experience. Be sure to check your owner's manual before starting the repair process, and check for any specific instructions on how to replace your car's antenna before getting started.

Quinton Becker writes about automobiles. If you are looking for a hard-to-find replacement car antenna for any of a variety of automobiles, or when you are trying to find those hard-to-locate Bentley parts, then please visit You may reprint this article if all links are kept intact.

Friday, February 2, 2007

A guide of Windows XP optimization

Most likely, the main reason your system is dragging the ground is because of all the junk that runs in the background that you don't see. These are applications you may have installed over time.

To optimize the startup process you should follow the following steps.

You can free up hard drive space by deleting files and applications you don't use often. Running scandisk and Defragment are crucial to pc preformance. And try third party memory management programs.

Running scandisk will find and attempt to correct errors on your hard drive. System Defragment will free up hard drive space by re-arranging files in an orderly manner. This allows the CPU to find files much faster and not have to roam all over the hard drive to load files into memory.

Windows operating system have a utility named Msconfig that can display programs that bootup and instantly run on your computer. To start Msconfig, select Start - Run, and type "msconfig" in the Run dialog box. Msconfig does not show all programs running in the background however.

If you have Windows XP as your operating system, try to delete all files in the prefetch directory. Windows XP Professional monitors files that are used when the computer starts and when you start programs.

When Windows XP Professional monitors these files, it prefetches them. Prefetching data is the process whereby data that is expected to be requested is read ahead into the cache. Prefetching boot files and applications decreases the time needed to start Windows XP Professional and start applications.

Try to check to see if your computer and the CPU Chip are not overheating. Excessive heat will cause your system to perform much closer. Make sure your computer is well ventilated

A free evaluation copy of RAM Booster Expert can be found at:

Dragos is the webmaster of the BODRAG website: